M0 – Simple reverse from a java
class main using a static JDBC driver (PostGres 8.x)
- Limited conversion of datatypes,
using standard UML datatypes (String, Integer, and Boolean).
- Limited profile (Entity for
classes & Identifier for primary keys)
- Limited understanding of
- Translation of tables composed
only of foreign keys into many to many associations.
M1 – Simple reverse using a
- Wizard to specify the JDBC URL,
the catalog and schema + the name of the model.
M2 – Moving to the Datatools
- Wizard using the connection
profile, and feed the raw connection.
M3 – Datatools model instead of a
proprietary model (representing the database schema)
- Use of the internal model from
M4 – Extended dataype
- Use of JavaPrimitive types (from
standard UML2 datatypes)
M5 – Parametrized model : V0.
- This model will describe how the
reverse engineering should be done.
- Reverse Normalization parameters.
- In example : Convert Table name
and field name to pascal and lower camel case convention.
- Association preference:
- Naming (using class names for
association ends)
- Default navigation (both ends
are navigable)
M6 – Parametrized model : V1
- Profiles mapping (using external
UML 2.x profiles)
- Datatypes mapping (using external
UML2.x dataypes)
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